Hornets and Yellow Jacktes fall into our Stinging Insect Package and can be treated at any time of the year. However, a lot of stinging insect problems can be prevented by our spring and fall tretments.
While each case is different, as stinging insects can make nests in many locations, our Stinging Insect Package covers the treatment and taking down of all nests and pricing is based on the number of nests. This package includes a two-month guarantee. If you have multiple nests around the outside of your home we can charge you a square footage rate, or you might be interested in Paffy’s 3-Season Home Service Plan. We try to work out a plan for each of our clients.
How does Paffy’s treat for hornets, yellow jackets and other stinging insects? When a technician comes out to your property and assesses the situation, he will be able to determine more of what to do, what product to use, in your situation. Ultimately, the technician will use a powder spray to spray the nest. If the nest is small, it will only take a few minutes to take effect. Then, he can knock it down and dispose of the nest.
Does size matter? If the nest is larger, like a Bald-Faced Hornets’ nest, the technician will spray the nest and return within five to seven days to take down the nest. Bald-Faced Hornets nests can house anywhere from 100 to 400 hornets, growing to be the size of a football. Unfortunately, these hornets are extremely aggressive if they or their nest is disturbed; they are able to sting repeatedly. Please contact Paffy’s Pest Control if you have any stinging insect pest control needs.
The hornet or yellow jacket removal process is really that easy? Usually, yes. There are cases where bees or wasps can get in between the siding and make a home in the wall of your home, at times digging their way toward the inside of your living space. Cases like these are more common than you may think and distressing to say the least. Paffy’s treats these cases seriously, assessing the situation and spraying the entrance where the bees or wasps are entering. Once each hole has been sprayed, it takes time for the stinging insects to try to escape the insecticide, and when they pass through the opening they will be affected by the spray and perish. Of course, if the nest is between the wall of your home there is no way for us to remove the nest, we just vacate it. However, rest assured that a contaminated nest will not be inhabited again by other insects.
There are several different species of hornets and yellow jackets and they vary in aggressive behavior.
When can we come out to treat? We are usually able to get a technician out to treat for pests within 24 to 48 hours as your schedule allows. We try our best to fit our schedule around yours and find a time that works. We are thankful for such gracious technicians who genuinely care about our customers with the stinging insect problems.
If you have any questions or concerns call us today. Ask us about our annual package: 3-Season Home Service Plan. 651-459-4654.
Metro: 651-459-4654
Address: 479 Hayward Ave. N. Oakdale, MN. 55128
Alexandria: 320-815-9725
Address: 9046 Co Rd 28 Alexandria MN 56308
SE Minnesota: 507-291-5432
Western Wisconsin: 715-869-1660
Email: paffyspestcontrol@gmail.com
Open Saturdays from May to Early October 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.