There are 99 beetles in the state of Minnesota. There are some that are more common, or more abundant, than others. Among some of the more common beetles are the June beetles, stored product beetles, grain beetles, and more. Paffy’s Pest Control can take care of any of these pests with a one-time treatment.
June beetles seem to be a seasonal pest, similar to May flies. Do you remember a time where the May flies were so bad Minnesotans got their snow plows out to scrape them off the road? June beetles never seem to be that bad, but they kind of travel, or grow, in spurts like that. Stored product beetles and grain beetles can come inside your home if you live near fields or have a big garden. They don’t pose a threat, but can be a nuisance if they get into your food or warm areas of your home, like your beds. They don’t bite, but they can sure freak you out. Imagine sitting on the couch or laying in your bed and you notice them crawling on you. Are you itching yet?
Paffy’s exterminates these beetles with our one-time Crawling Insect Package. We would typically spray the exterior of your property three-feet up and three-feet out from the foundation, to make sure no more enter. Then we can use a variety of sprays, like along the base boards, baits, and traps to rid your home of these beetles.
The treatment options listed in this post are based on square footage. one-time. We rid you of these pests right the first time, or we come back out, no charge. Give us a call today to ensure you don’t have these pest problems. 651-459-4654. Thank you for choosing Paffy’s.
Sources: and
Metro: 651-459-4654
Address: 479 Hayward Ave. N. Oakdale, MN. 55128
Alexandria: 320-815-9725
Address: 9046 Co Rd 28 Alexandria MN 56308
SE Minnesota: 507-291-5432
Western Wisconsin: 715-869-1660
Open Saturdays from May to Early October 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.