Pests are one of the worst parts of owning property, but many just assume that these nuisances are just a part of life. You don't just have to deal with pests, though - Paffy's Pest Control offers professional pest control services to help deal with any unwanted guests that you may have. Contact our team today for both residential and commercial pest control in St. Paul & Suburbs, MN.
No matter which pests have made their homes in your home, business, or yard, you can rely on our professional team to help get rid of the issue. We can help you deal with common pests such as spiders, flies, ants, and wasps, and we can help with pests you may not have had to deal with before, such as bedbugs, moths, cockroaches, and silverfish.
We offer both one-time treatments for small issues and our special three-season service plan as well. This plan includes multiple treatments each year to keep any and all pests away through every season. If you do see pests between treatments, call us, and we'll come and handle them for free.
If you need commercial or residential pest control in St. Paul & Suburbs, MN, give us a call at 651-459-4654.
Metro: 651-459-4654
Address: 479 Hayward Ave. N. Oakdale, MN. 55128
Alexandria: 320-815-9725
Address: 9046 Co Rd 28 Alexandria MN 56308
SE Minnesota: 507-291-5432
Western Wisconsin: 715-869-1660
Open Saturdays from May to Early October 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.