Paper Wasps get their name from the paper-like material of which they make their nests. In most urban situations, they are usually unaggressive wasps. They can be quite a nuisance, though they help pollinate plants. Paper wasp adults are about 5/8 to ¾” long, brownish with yellow markings. From above, their tail end comes to a point near the wing tips and looks triangular in shape.
Their nests consist of a paper-like comb with cells opening downward. Usually this comb is supported or suspended by a branch, twig, or horizontal surface. A single eggs is laid in each cell of the nest. The developing larva is fed mostly protein from insect prey through the open cell. The cell is capped once the larva is ready to pupate.
Nests can vary in size, though are small or moderate compared to some stinging insect nests. Paper wasp nests contain anywhere from 150 to 250 cells. The largest paper wasp nest recorded contained 320 cells and was 6” by 8” in size.
Paper wasps are semi-social creatures, existing in small colonies but without worker caste. When overwintering, the inseminated queens begin building nests in the spring. These founding queens are joined by other functional workers. The queens relegate the egg laying to the founding queen, but if she were to die then one of the secondaries can assume egg laying responsibilities. A nest cannot survive without a queen.
Paper wasps are beneficial, helping control a lot of different pests. However, if their nests are located near human activity, control is important. It is essential that the adult wasps come into contact with the treatment and be killed, otherwise they will quickly rebuild. Paffy’s Pest Control technicians only uses EPA and FDA approved pesticides or chemicals for each targeted pest. The technician will also take down and dispose of the nests once it has been treated – less hassle for you! Because these pests are pollinators, we take that into consideration when treating, making sure to only target this one species that is bugging you.
Paper wasps can be completely preventable, and is covered through Paffy’s annual plan: the 3-Season Home Service Plan. A preventative treatment in the spring will ensure queens won’t enter in through the soffits to build a nest in or on soffits or in attic cavities. A foundational treatment is applied to protect your home from crawling insects with a power sprayer or backpack sprayer.
It is also important to get the fall treatment, which consists of a full spray from foundations to the soffits. This spray coats your house with a clear, granular, adhesive spray. It is clear so you won’t be able to tell it’s there. It is granular, which means it is not a repellant. Any paper wasps, boxelder bugs, or Asian lady beetles that land on your home will die within eight to 10 hours. It is adhesive so the residual stays on for about three months. This power spray will relieve your concern of these fall pests.
Pricing is based on square footage, so call our office today to see what your annual plan will cost today. 651-459-4654.
Source: NPCA Field Guide to Structural Pests
Metro: 651-459-4654
Address: 479 Hayward Ave. N. Oakdale, MN. 55128
Alexandria: 320-815-9725
Address: 9046 Co Rd 28 Alexandria MN 56308
SE Minnesota: 507-291-5432
Western Wisconsin: 715-869-1660
Open Saturdays from May to Early October 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.