Asian lady beetles may be nice to look at, but if the bug makes a home within your home, then you could run into a lot of different problems. Seeing the beetles in the wild offers a lot of excitement, but when fall and winter arrive 7-county metro area, these beetles will seek the warmth that many homes provide.
Even though they are tiny and not aggressive, the beetles can cause problems in other ways. Some problems are bigger than others, but they can all escalate as time goes on. Learn about some of the problems these beetles can cause and the reasons you should seek pest control services to help eliminate them.
The small size of the Asian lady beetle does not stop the insect from secreting yellow liquid. The secretion can occur when the insect feels threatened. Not only does the yellow liquid have a very strong odor, but the bright yellow color has staining properties.
If Asian lady beetles find their way on light surfaces like painted walls or carpets, then they could stain the area. If the yellow stain dries without you noticing, then the stain can be hard to remove. For large pest invasions, you may notice a larger increase in yellow stains.
If you decide to swat or crush the beetles that you see, then the yellow liquid could splatter and create more stains. Work with pest control workers to effectively remove the beetles from your home without making a huge mess along the way.
Asian lady beetles will not fly and attack humans like a wasp or hornet would. This doesn't mean that the beetles do not bite. With these bright colors and unique designs, children may be drawn to the bugs, especially if they are flying around your home. Too much interaction could lead to small bites on a child's hand or skin.
While medical attention is not needed for the bites, you do not want the beetle bites to become an issue, especially if the bug's population grows in the fall and winter. Keep children protected from the bugs with full treatment in your home. A treatment in the early fall will help protect your home into next spring when the beetle population can increase.
While Asian lady beetles can cause mild bites, they are mainly harmless, but they can attract other predators who feed on these bugs. Many harmful insects will hunt and feed on Asian lady beetles.
For example, there are numerous spiders that will hunt and feed on lady beetles that they catch in their webs. If your home has an increase in beetles, then spiders may build more webs in an attempt to trap the bugs. Wasps will also feed on lady beetles. You do not want wasps using your home to build nests and create a hunting ground for the bugs.
While birds may not present issues inside your home, they will often feed on Asian lady beetles. Your home could suffer damage from the birds as they seek a quick meal.
The treatment of Asian lady beetles on your home also allows you to eliminate other pests that could potentially be attracted to your home. Reduce the problem with the help of pest control treatments.
Just as humans crave the warmth of a fireplace in winter, Asian lady beetles do the same. They can find small crevices around your home and make their way in with ease. As frost appears on lawns, the beetles will seek out these warm areas until they can go back out to hunt and eat in the spring months.
You may notice a lot of the bugs around windows in the winter. Not only do they enjoy the warmth of the home, but they also like to soak up the sun when they can. An infestation can increase and multiply, turning your view of a winter wonderland into a winter bug land.
Applying pest treatments before the first frosts will prevent the bugs from seeking warmth in your home and allow you to have a peaceful winter without so many bugs involved. If the infestation grows and spring comes around, the beetles may have a tough time finding ways out of your home and stick around your walls and windows.
If you are experiencing an Asian lady beetle infestation 7-county metro area, then give us a call at Paffy's Pest Control. We have extensive experience and know how to properly eliminate Asian lady beetles so that your home in the Twin Cities will be protected. We can also help eliminate other insects, such as cockroaches, bedbugs, clothing moths, flies, mosquitos, ticks, rats, spiders, earwigs, and more. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our professional team when you need us most.
Metro: 651-459-4654
Address: 479 Hayward Ave. N. Oakdale, MN. 55128
Alexandria: 320-815-9725
Address: 9046 Co Rd 28 Alexandria MN 56308
SE Minnesota: 507-291-5432
Western Wisconsin: 715-869-1660
Open Saturdays from May to Early October 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.