Paffy’s Pest Control


SE Minnesota

Western Wisconsin

Flea Control

admin • July 11, 2019

We love our furry family, but sometimes they can come home with ticks and fleas. Ticks like to hide in tall grass and trees. Fleas are more unexpected because they travel directly from host to host. Sometimes all it takes is an encounter with another pet who has fleas and your dog or cat can get them like that. Fleas are wingless, however, they can jump from host to host. They also reproduce quickly, which can cause a problem.

Females lay four to eight eggs after each blood meal, totaling between 400 and 500 eggs during their lifetime. They lay the eggs on or between the hairs of the host.

There are several types of fleas, one of which can inhabit humans, as well as pets or fowl. It is almost unheard of that a human would be a sustainable, viable host to these fleas, though possible. If a pet has fleas, it is important that the pet be treated by a veterinarian (or owner) either before or during the extermination of the home. Then it’s up to your pest control provider to treat the interior of the home. Paffy’s Pest Control has tackled some touch flea cases, many with only one treatment. However, Paffy’s always offers a warranty to ensure that you are getting the most coverage for your money.

Paffy’s uses has a couple different products at its disposal for flea extermination. Using dual products that both target fleas ensures their elimination from your home. Paffy’s would use one on the first visit, and if there were some stragglers—for example, if some had just hatched after we put the chemical down, we may need to retreat or spot treat—Paffy’s would use another product.

All of Paffy’s products are EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved safe for homes, commercial multi-housing units, apartment complexes, warehouses, factories, and more. Every spray Paffy’s uses is safe to the touch once it has dried (about one hour). For specific questions, don’t hesitate to call and ask! 651-459-4654. The knowledgeable customer service representatives would be happy to listen to and calm your concerns and answer your questions. Give Paffy’s a shot for any and all pest concerns today!

Source: NPCA Field Guide to Structural Pests

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